The Perfect Storm…
When this journey began a couple of months ago, we were weak, frail, and afraid – the insurance roadblocks alone were enough to make us feel defeated before we started.
Looking back now, I can see how each step strengthened us along the way. Mama, me, and sister, ready or not, received the news no one ever wants to hear. It is Cancer…..
Denise’s biopsy came back positive for that nasty beast under her tongue. Only now are we equipped and ready for the days ahead. Sister is going to need good juju now more than ever.
Dede said,” I am so scared.” As Mama embraced her, the tears began to flow, a beautiful moment in time so full of love. I had to capture it. Then this strength arose. She reminded Denise how she beat the odds over fifty years ago. To this day, Mama is still cancer free. Her colostomy bag reminds her every day just what a miracle she is. She told my sister it’s in your blood; you WILL beat this!
We talked about all the support sister has had on Facebook, friends, and family. She has many friends whom she loves. She told me today she is most thankful for every minute spent bringing encouragement, nurture, and love. She believes she built those relationships by bringing comfort to those in need. I told her it was time to turn within to encourage, comfort, and love herself.
Valley Medical Hospital is a blessing in many ways; we are so happy we ended up there. Dede and I said at the same time that the fight to get there was a perfect storm. Her surgical team of ENT Specialists are strong, knowledgeable women with conviction in their words; they said, “THIS IS CURABLE.”
The surgery is one week from tomorrow, October 7th; I will be posting and tagging people; if I annoy you, please tell me. It will not offend me. For me, writing is a passion; it is my way of releasing fears, healing, and hopefully inspiring others.
Cancer may have started this fight, but TOGETHER we are TOUGHER than that beast. Friends, don’t let friends fight cancer alone and want you to know YOU will finish this fight and win, Sister….we got you!
Thank you for the prayers, encouragement, and good juju!