Transitional Life Coach

Joycee Reynolds, Transformational Spiritual Coach

My certification isn’t just a piece of paper; it is a way of life I have created for myself. My transformational life coach skills can help you better yourself and your life by bringing about and walking alongside you while you discover the truth you hold in your heart. At the same time, you become aware of the necessary changes to live your best life now. 

I teach people how to make peace with their past, forgive themselves and others, and move on. Believing anything is possible; my life exemplifies it. You, too, can learn to trust your heart to lead the way. You will learn to cultivate a relationship and trust that still small voice within yourself to choose and make decisions based on a sense of peace.

All religions are taught and represent forms of belief in many different ways. The law of life is belief; instead of cultivating secondhand faith and going somewhere to hear another person’s truth learn to acquire and develop yours straight from the Source within. 

Discover your beliefs about yourself, life, God, and our world. It is always done unto you, as you believe. 

My passion is teaching people of all ages how to recognize and hear the loving voice of God/Source/Universe/Light/Love within themselves. We hold the answers to every question if we learn to listen within. If you do your part, the Universe and my coaching will recalibrate any systems of negative beliefs and change how you think and feel about yourself and every aspect of life. 

Some of my specialties: 

  • How to listen to your heart and what it’s saying.
  • Discover your God-given desires, your dreams and make them happen.
  • Forgiveness, Breaking Denial, Codependency
  • Faith Building 
  • Loving yourself, Loving others (what love is and isn’t)
  • Boundaries
  • How to cultivate, recognize, and believe you have a relationship with Source (God) within yourself.
  • Recognizing lies you believe and experiencing the freedom of truth.
  • Become your authentic self, find your voice, and be you.
  • Intuition prompts and learning to listen
  • Belief Systems: What do you believe?
  • How to trust the process while in transformation.
  •  Learn about beautiful you. You are worthy of being loved, making those desires in your heart come true and live happily ever after. 
  • Certified HeartMath Stress and Well-Being Assessment Provider

Not trusting or understanding yourself and your choices creates unwanted outcomes. Resentment and unforgiveness go against the law of the Universe, which keeps us from our dreams and from giving and receiving unconditional love; instead, our anger, blame, and hatred have a boomerang effect—living in doubt, unbelief, and stuck in merry-go-round of turmoil within our hearts, creating the next life lesson of pain until we chose to learn. Lessons constantly repeat themselves until learned.

If you don’t like your life, you hold the keys to change in your hands. Learn to not depend on anyone else and trust yourself and your choices. Love, acceptance, joy, and peace await you. If you want to change, live your best life now, and make your dreams come true, the choice is yours. It’s no mistake you are reading this. Any sense of liveliness and excitement you felt inside yourself when you read any of the above was your intuition telling you it was time to make your heart’s dreams a reality.  

When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Make your first choice of positive change and transition; make your free appointment today! 

Joycee playing in the water

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